Internet of Things (IoT) Agricultural Solutions

The Problem: Unique Challenges for Agriculture

To meet the last mile need for refrigerated transport services, logistics companies would need to invest in special vehicles and infrastructure, increasing procurement and maintenance costs.

Food Wastage

Lack of proper cold chain equipment in developing countries leads to large post-harvest losses. Gricd cold boxes can be used to reduce food wastage and losses

Poor Market Research

Without effective cooling systems which preserve perishable food over long periods and distances, a wider market reach can not be explored or serviced

Reduced Earnings

Low income farmers who do not have access to proper cold chain equipment loose revenue and investment due to post-harvest losses

Why Use Gricd Cold Boxes?

  • Gricd cold boxes will significantly help reduce post-harvest product losses, since they are designed with active cooling technology which maintains product preset storage temperatures
  • A decrease in food losses with an increase in market reach would significantly increase business revenue.
  • With a reliable cooling system, a wider  market and reach can be explored and serviced